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Scientific Functions

General Mathematical Functions
Complex Numbers
Trigonometric Functions

See also: Statistical Functions, Financial Functions, Base-n Functions, Prime Numbers, Unit Conversions, Miscellaneous Keys.

General Mathematical Functions

1/x : Inverse of x, or 1 divided by x.

x! : Factorial of x. For example, 5! = 5 × 4 × 3 × 2 × 1 = 120.

root symbol : Square root. For example, root36 = 6.

logb : Logarithm to any base b. To take the log of 5 to base 3, key in {3} [SHIFT] [Logb] {5} [=] 1.4649....

x2 : Square of x. For example, square of 6 = 36.

log2 : Logarithm to base 2.

log10 : Logarithm to base 10. This is the reverse of 10x.

10x : 10 raised to the power of x. This is the reverse of log10.

ln : Logarithm to base of natural number e. This is the reverse of ex.

ex : Natural number e raised to the power of x. This is the reverse of ln.

xy : The value x raised to the power of any number y. To calculate 53, enter {5} [xy] {3} [=] 125.

x1/y : Calculate any root (y) of x. To calculate the 3rd root of 9, enter {9} [SHIFT] [x1/y] {3} [=] 2.0800....

a b/c : Use to enter a number in form of a natural fraction, or to convert any decimal to a natural fraction form. See natural a b/c fractions for more information.

d/c : Converts a decimal number to improper natural fraction.

. , ,, : Use to key in a number in the form of degress, minutes, seconds (DMS), or to convert a decimal to DMS. See Degrees, Minutes, Seconds for more information.

Lambert's function, sometimes called the Product Log or Omega function. The Newton-Raphson method is used to calculate z for input value x, where:

z ez = x

The result z is real if x is above -e-1. Example: W(2) = 0.8526055...

+/- : Inverts the sign of a value.

3root symbol : Cube root. For example, 3 root125 = 5.

INTPT : Integer part. Returns the integer part of a value, for example INTPT(5.23237) = 5.

FRCPT : Fractional part. Returns the fractional part of a value, for example FRCTPT(5.23237) = 0.23237.

Ran# : Returns a pseudo random number n, where n will be in the range, 0 <= n < 1. For example, to generate a random number between 1 and 47 inclusive, enter {1} [+] [Ran#] [×] {47}, and use the [INTPRT] function to return the integer part of the result if desired.

Sn : Calculates the sum of natural numbers from 1 to n inclusive. For example, Sn(15) = 120.

% : Used to add, subtract, multiply and divide a percentage of a value. For example, to add 18% to 350, enter: {350} [+] {18} [%] [=] 413.

Complex Numbers

arg : Calculates the argument a of two values x and y.

argument in the guassian place

For example, suppose you had a complex number, 5 + 12i. To determine the argument a, enter: {5} [arg] {12} [=] 67.3801... (deg) . The result is in units specified by the trigonometric mode setting (i.e. degrees, radians, grads or cycles).

abs : Calculates the absolute value r of two values x and y.

argument in the guassian place

For example, suppose you had a complex number, 5 + 12i. To determine the absolute value r, enter: {5} [abs] {12} [=] 13


nPr : Calculates the number of ways of obtaining an ordered subset of r elements from a set of n elements. For example, to determine how 4-digit values can be produced using the numbers 1 to 16, enter: {16} [nPr] {4} [=] 43,680.

nCr : Calculates the number of ways of picking r unordered outcomes from n possibilities. For example, to determine how many 3-member groups can be organized in a group of 12 individuals, enter: {12} [nCr] {3} [=] 220.

Trigonometric Functions

Note that with trigonometric functions, the results depend on the trigonometric mode setting (i.e. degrees, radians, grads or cycles). Use the [hyp] button to access the hyperbolic versions of trigonometric functions.

sin : Sine.

sin-1 : Arc Sine.

cos : Cosine.

cos-1 : Arc Cosine.

tan : Tangent.

tan-1 : Arc Tangent.

csc : Cosecant.

csc-1 : Arc Cosecant.

sec : Secant.

sec-1 : Arc Secant.

cot : Cotangent.

cot-1 : Arc Cotangent.

sinh : Hyperbolic Sine.

sinh-1 : Hyperbolic Arc Sine.

cosh : Hyperbolic Cosine.

cosh-1 : Hyperbolic Arc Cosine.

tanh : Hyperbolic Tangent.

tanh-1 : Hyperbolic Arc Tangent.

cosech : Hyperbolic Cosecant.

cosech-1 : Hyperbolic Arc Cosecant.

sech : Hyperbolic Secant.

sech-1 : Hyperbolic Arc Secant.

coth : Hyperbolic Cotangent.

coth-1 : Hyperbolic Arc Cotangent.

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